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Putty Serial Connection Does Not Work


Next select the "Session" tree item and change the type of the session (maybe former "SSH" or "Telnet" to "Serial" (not in the tree this time but "Serial" in the form with the session settings). Com-Port and Baud-Rate (see list point "1") may appear in the sesssion form. Session settings (specified in the "Serial" tree item) are globally stored in PUTTY and may have been planned to be started from "Serial" - which does not work - or from "Session".

putty serial connection does not work

PuTTY is an open source terminal emulator, used to connect to SSH, telnet and similar servers for remote administration. Developed by Simon Tatham, who released the first version in 1999, PuTTY has been upgraded a number of times over the years to add new features and fix bugs. PuTTY also enables you to connect to a device attached to the serial port on the computer, sending typed commands to the serial device and displaying the reply. This is useful for debugging networking hardware equipped with serial ports, or connecting to microcontrollers and other electronics devices.

Type the COM address for the serial port in the "Serial Line" box to select the COM port the serial device is attached to. For example, COM1 or COM2. Type the baud speed the serial device operates at in the Speed box; for example 9,600 or 115,200. If you are unsure of the baud rate to use, check the documentation for the serial device. If no documentation is available, start at a high speed such as 115,200, and work your way down until you can connect to the device successfully.

Click on the "Serial" menu item under Connection in the Category menu tree on the left side of the PuTTY window to change the default parameters, if necessary. You can set the number of data bits and stop bits, as well as the parity and flow control method used to connect to the serial device. If you are unsure of the settings to use, leave these set to the default values, which will work in the majority of cases.

Click the "Open" button to initiate the connection to the serial device. You may see some introductory text sent from the serial device when the device has connected, but some devices do not respond until you send a command. Once you have typed some data and pressed the "Enter" key to transmit to the serial device, you should see a response from the device displayed in the PuTTY window.

when I try to establish a serial connection to the IOT2040 via putty I only get an empty console (see attached screenshot). I can`t type anything in and I don`t get anything displayed. I am using an USB to FTDI Cable and as Speed I use the 115200 Baudrate.

When you have problems getting a device over the serial port to work, or in cases where you want your own plugin to be developed by us, our support desk will sometimes ask to log some data from your serial port. This document is created to show you step by step instructions on how to accomplish this.

PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. PuTTY is open source software that is available with source code and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers. In addition to some network protocols, it is also a very good and lightweight tool to monitor your serial ports. The software can be run directly without running an installer and is easy to use.

minicom is a serial communication program that connects to devices through a GNU/Linux PC's serial ports. If run by calling its name without any additional arguments, it uses whatever settings have been saved for its defaults in /etc/minicom/minirc.dfl. For those using Windows, PuTTY is a viable application to make such connections between a Windows PC and one of our EMAC devices. More information about PuTTY can be found at

Please note that while PuTTY will work, it is missing a number of features relative to a real Linux terminal. In particular, a number of keystroke shortcuts will not work with PuTTY, and not all output will be displayed correctly in PuTTY (although it does manage to display most output correctly). For serious work with Linux, a real Linux terminal (such as minicom, described here) is strongly recommended.

This program is a very important tool for developers. The serial console is essential for working with the bootloader on ARM systems, since U-Boot cannot be accessed via ssh. Using the serial console, you will be able to configure the bootloader, to program new kernels via the bootloader, to program new filesystems, to make a copy of the filesystem on a board, and to perform memory checks using U-Boot. The serial console will also enable you to see startup and shutdown messages, to configure and debug the system when networking is not configured or is not working, and to debug the system when the machine is not booting up.

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I followed the 'Getting Started' tutorial and got to the use putty to open a serial communication part and when I click 'Open' it just makes the windows error sound and does nothing. Any ideas? Thanks ","property":"og:title","content":"Putty 'Open' button on serial issue","property":"og:description","content":"Hey, Got my onion in the mail today, super stoked. I followed the 'Getting Started' tutorial and got to the use putty to open a serial communication part and when I click 'Open' it just makes the windows error sound and does nothing. Any ideas? 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