Apple on Monday released the first developer beta of iOS 9.3, adding a range of features and capabilities to its mobile operating system - many of which are expected to make it to the general release. The Cupertino-based company with the iOS 9.3 Preview has introduced multi-user mode on iPad for schools, and a night-mode for all that aims to enhance the viewing experience on iPhone and iPad during the night hours.
As we mentioned, MIUI 10 global beta ROM has been released for the latest Mi Pad 4, as reported by GSMArena. The same version 8.7.5 of MIUI 10's global beta was released for multiple Xiaomi smartphones last week. The Mi Pad 4 is now the latest addition to this list which includes the Mi 6, Mi MIX 2, Redmi S2, Redmi Note 5 Pro (India)/ Redmi Note 5, Mi MIX 2S, Mi 5, Mi Note 2, and the original Mi MIX.
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