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Breathing has a close relationship with autonomic nervous system function. The phrenic nerve that controls the movement of the diaphragm is connected to the vagus (parasympathetic) nerve [4]. Decreasing the RR by DB activates the parasympathetic nervous activity while suppressing the sympathetic nervous activity [11]. Chang et al. [109] reported that slow breathing with eight breaths/min makes the balance of the parasympathetic nervous activity dominant. Autonomic dysfunction, for example, a reduction in heart rate variability, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity [110]. Hyperactive sympathetic nervous activity and hypoactive parasympathetic nervous activity can be regulated by DB, which will improve the cardiovascular health. In addition, yoga practice tends to tune the brain toward a parasympathetically driven mode and positive states [111]. Jerath et al. [112] indicated that breathing stimulated the vagal activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid pathways in the brain, and reduced stress and anxiety. Furthermore, DB appears to have a favorable effect on the cardiovascular system and brain through the improvement of the autonomic balance.
Pandesal is THE bread of the Philippines. These fluffy little rolls are enjoyed at any time of the day with just about anything sweet or savory. They are tender, light and a little sweet. And the use of tangzhong makes these pandesal wonderfully soft and airy.
For bubbly, airy loaves of bread and perfect chewy crusts, you need to build up gluten. Gluten is a strong network of cross-linked proteins that traps gas bubbles and stretches as the dough bakes. Gluten is developed by kneading, but creating enough gluten in a wet mixture like pizza dough can take up to 20 minutes if you're kneading by hand.
Binding of motor proteins to cellular cargoes is regulated by adaptor proteins. HAP1 and GRIP1 are kinesin-1 adaptors that have been implicated individually in the transport of vesicular cargoes in the dendrites of neurons. We find that HAP1a and GRIP1 form a protein complex in the brain, and co-operate to activate the kinesin-1 subunit KIF5C in vitro. Based upon this co-operative activation of kinesin-1, we propose a modification to the kinesin activation model that incorporates stabilisation of the central hinge region known to be critical to autoinhibition of kinesin-1.
Critically, however, there is currently no direct evidence that either GRIP1 or HAP1 can independently activate kinesin-1 motors to facilitate transport. Furthermore, despite overlapping roles in linking cargo to kinesins for dendritic neuronal transport, the interplay between GRIP1 and HAP1 has not been studied. Here, we report that GRIP1 and HAP1 form an endogenous kinesin-activating complex by binding distinct sites on the KIF5C polypeptide. Using in vitro studies, we demonstrate that HAP1 and GRIP1 work together to activate kinesin. Subsequently, we propose that kinesin activation may include stabilisation of the hinge region to prevent folding of KIF5.
The trafficking of HAP1a to the cell periphery in the presence of KIF5C is suggestive of HAP1a release of KIF5C autoinhibition. Additionally, GRIP1 is unable to associate with kinesin and traffic to the cell periphery without the presence of HAP1a. To test whether GRIP1 needed HAP1a to activate kinesin, we carried out in vitro studies to characterise the activation of kinesin in the presence of these adaptor proteins.
Taken together, our data support a role for adaptor binding to additional binding elements along the stalk of KIF5 to promote true motor activation (Fig. 4G). Previous work on one of the first identified kinesin-1 activators, JIP1, has also isolated an interaction with the stalk domain (Fu and Holzbaur, 2013). The many contact points between JIP1 and kinesin may have masked the importance of the stalk interactions within cells (Blasius et al., 2007; Fu and Holzbaur, 2013). KLCs were recently shown to have their own autoinhibition mechanism (Yip et al., 2016) and it is still unclear how KLC and KIF5 function together in cargo recognition and motor activation. As HAP1 also binds KLCs (McGuire et al., 2006) through the conserved KLC-binding motifs (Dodding et al., 2011), HAP1a and GRIP1 are a complementary system to dissect the principles of kinesin-1 tetramer activation.
In conclusion, we show that structurally distinct adaptor proteins can work together to promote full activation of KIF5C in cells. The co-operative activation mechanism employed by GRIP1 and HAP1a relies on HAP1a binding to the KIF5 CBD, and a previously uncharacterised interaction between GRIP1 and the stalk of KIF5, which further promotes kinesin activation possibly through stabilising the central hinge.
Prominent FAs are readily recognizable and were identified by eye and selected for image acquisition. Confocal images were acquired with an A1R confocal microscope (Nikon) using an oil-immersion Plan Apochromat 60 objective (1.40 NA) at RT. STORM images were acquired at 21C with an N-STORM commercial system mounted on a TiE inverted microscope (Nikon), fitted with a STORM-capable TIRF illuminator, and coupled to an iXon 897 electron-multiplying charge-coupled device camera (512 512 active pixels; Andor Technology) using a collar-optimized CFI Apochromat TIRF 100 1.49 NA objective. The LU4A laser launch was also acquired from Nikon and nominally delivers 300 mW at 647 nm, 50 mW at 561 nm, 40 mW at 488 nm, and 100 mW at 405 nm. NIS Elements AR 4.30.02 software (Nikon) was used. For single-color imaging, 647-nm laser light was used for exciting the reporter dye (Alexa Fluor 647) and switching it to the dark state, and 405- or 561-nm laser light was used for reactivating Alexa Fluor 647 into a fluorescent state via an activator dye (Alexa Fluor 405 or Cy3). An imaging cycle comprised one frame of activation alternated with four frames of reporter imaging. Dual-color imaging was performed by alternating 405-activated cycles and 561-activated cycles. Imaging was done using a previously described buffer containing 100 mM mercaptoethylamine, 0.5 mg/ml glucose oxidase, 40 µg/ml catalase, and 5% glucose (Sigma-Aldrich) in PBS (Bates et al., 2007).
Homemade You Tiao (Chinese Donuts) are crispy on the surface, extra airy, fluffy, and tender inside. Learn how to make the classic Chinese breakfast staple with safe ingredients while achieving the best texture, just like the street vendors.
We tried to develop a dough that has a golden ratio of crispy outer layers and light and airy insides, using common ingredients that you already have in your pantry. The challenge was to recreate the very light texture without using the hard chemicals that street vendors use. After many tests, we eventually did it! 2ff7e9595c